Halloween Smut
Baccarat Piece: Proof by Kiyoko Ishimura
How far will you go for your lover?
Bite Me, Baby by abracadabra
Candy corn it ain't. Some Halloween fluff.
Boo by Mike
Halloween at the Hoover.
By Flesh, By Blood by Mish
Connection by body, completion by blood.
Compromised - Halloween on the Mountain by Amazon X
Happy Halloween!
Die Bug Die by Andrea
Written for the Scared Stiff Challenge
Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead by Red Valerian
Way back in October I happened on a Red Riding Hood adaptation employing the dynamic duo (Yo CiCi - I just *loved* Lycanthropy.
Thanks for the repost) Anyway, it inspired me to write my own Fractured Fairy Tale. You see the results before you at last.
The Great Pumpkin by Lovesfox William's first Halloween.
The Grim Reaper by Amy McClure
Scully accepts a mysterious invitation.
Hallowed Eve by Raven
Originally written as a Halloween treat.
A Hallowed Eve by Kate M.
Scully meets an intriguing woman at a Halloween party.
Halloween Magic by Maddie and Haven
Celebrating Halloween with Walter, Alex and friends.
Horny Halloween by Molyneaux
Mulder and Scully play at trick or treating each other on Halloween.
How Fox Mulder Eats a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup by Aricia Mulder and Scully celebrate Halloween.
Inebriation Series 4: Cuervo Gold by Barenaked Bostonian
Mulder and Scully go to a Halloween party? With the Gunmen? Yes and yes,
but it's believeable! With tequila, now we're getting somewhere!
Lions, Tigers, and Aliens By Red Badger Lions, and Tigers, and Aliens, Oh My by Red Badger 83
et post Never Again. Mulder and Scully attend a Halloween party. They've had a few drinks and begin talking to each other without knowing it's the other.
The Mad Hatter and The Queen of Hearts by xphilernj
What do you get when you cross a cat, a snowman, halloween, Alice in Wonderland and an enchanted frog? I don't know. Maybe you can tell me.
Mind Candy by B. Dipherowa
Scully indulges in her favorite confection on Halloween.
Minty Fresh by Elise and Lauryl
Scully glared at her computer screen. "A college friend wants me to come to a Halloween party this weekend."
Option Three by Khyber
A little exposed skin, tentative conversation, a bag of candy and a lesson in sharing.
Out In The Country by Char Chaffin
A drive into the country to retrieve an heirloom gives our heroes quite a full day... in more ways than one!
Taking Off the Mask by Brandy I have decided to stop lurking and take up Rhondda Lakes' challenge. In keeping with the Halloween theme, our favorite agents are going to the First Annual FBI Masquerade Ball.
The Treat of an Unexpected Trick by Sister X Have you ever wondered what kind of person would choose 'trick' over 'treat?'
Trick Or Treat by D.W. Chong
Krycek reminisces about Halloween's gone by, and celebrates anew.
Trick Or Treat by Rachel Lee Arlington
Scully and Krycek renew their acquaintance while Mulder fumes.
Trick Or Treat by 'tite chatte
Skinner and the new head of the FBI lab have a late night meeting on Halloween.
Tricks and Treats by Lovesfox Halloween 2002
Urban Legends by SueBee
Halloween fic, with a twist.
Wicked Witchcraft by Thirteen Cats
'Cause it's witchcraft, wicked witchcraft, and although I know it's strictly taboo, when you arouse the need in me, my heart says "Yes, indeed!" in me, "Proceed with what you're leading me to....!"