Season Eight Missing Scenes Challenge PackSeason eight has several episodes with "missing" scenes. We are left to assume that key events happened off screen, which is less than satifying. Try your hand at writing a fic that fills in a gap. In chronological order...
The Billy Underwood case involved a lost child. Both Scully and Doggett had already lost a child by that point too: Emily and Luke. Write a story that includes a scene where one or both of them think about their own loss. Optional: also include a scene with one discussing their loss with the other.
There are three months missing from this episode. Write a fic set between Mulder's funeral and resurrection about how Scully feels about facing parenthood without his help and support.
At some point Scully must have told Mulder who the baby's father is. Write a fic that includes a scene with this happening.
Inspired by a request: write a fic that bridges the gap between Mulder asking the pizza guy to call 911 and their arrival at the hospital.
Three people in the past few months have asked for the exact same thing at Haven, so I thought I'd make a challenge just for them. Your challenge:
At some point between the kiss in Existence and the shower in Nothing Important Happened Today, Mulder and Scully looked at their new baby and decided that his safety depended on Mulder leaving. Write a fic that explores how the decision came about.