Christmas 2005 - The Merry Multiples ChallengeNow that Thanksgiving is behind us, it's time to think of Christmas. Our challenge is set on, or immediately before the big day. In this challenge you're writing about multiples. Multiples is the catch-all term for babies born at the same time from the same parents, ftr. Pick twins, pick triplets, heck pick dectuplets if you want! Just as long as it's a set of babies or kids, the number you chose is up to you. The directions are a bit verbose since I want to anticipate and address likely questions now, so I've bolded the important parts of the Challenge Elements:
Your story can be any genre, from family fluff to angst, and set from pre-series to post-IWTB. **If you prefer to write about an alternative December holiday, like Hanukah or Winter Solstice, instead, feel free and mentally replace the "Christmas" references above with your choice, but please also very briefly explain why the characters are celebrating it instead (simply that Mulder's Jewish and is devout for the first time etc). Happy Holidays everyone! Challenge fics:
Can you believe the "babies" in the graphic are dolls?! Please send your complete story to:
Do you have questions about writing a challengefic before you can begin your story? Look here to see if you can find your answer. |
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