GillyX29's Birth Scene Challenge

Here is a challenge offered by a guest, GillyX29. Gilly has been looking for fics that are "replacement scenes" for Existance, namely that have Mulder delievering the baby instead of Reyes. Below are the elements of her challenge.

  • Your fic begins with Mulder and Scully getting into her car in "Essence" and goes on from there.
  • There has to be a long and detailed labor and delivery, which includes: Scully whining, Mulder talking to the unborn baby with his face down on her belly, and/or he calls Scully sweetie or honey at some point.
  • Mulder also has to deliver the baby.

Challenge fics:
Our Existence by Devin
FBI Deliveryman by Pattie

Please send your complete story to:

Do you have questions about writing a challengefic before you can begin your story? Look here to see if you can find your answer.

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