Title: Little White Lies Summary: "A lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths." -- Deep Throat/"E.B.E" Three years after Scully left the FBI she and Mulder are drawn back into the FBI after Agents Doggett and Reyes find some new evidence that suggests that William may not Mulder's son... Author's Note: Okay, it took me quite a long time to finish this story and here it is! I changed the story's a few times too It was "Forever" and something else that I forgot... but the point is it's done! She looked around the barren apartment one more time. The place that was once home now just held the memories that were created in that home. Taking a deep sigh Dana Scully walked further in for the last time. Going into her bedroom to get a piece of luggage that otherwise would have been forgotten. Scanning the bright, white, room she picked up the suitcase and closed the hard, white, wooden, door behind her. She walked through the living room pausing to look around for the last time. When she got outside she closed the door and left--forever. After she got outside the apartment. she scooped up her baby, William, and walked down the stairs and out to her car. Clutching the keys in hand she de-activated the alarm. She opened the back door of the green sedan and put her baby in his light blue car seat. She got in her car door and started the car. Driving down the highway she began to well-up for she did not know what was to become of her life after today. She lead such a concrete life. Everything had a place and she knew why she did everything. Only, she didn't quite know why she was doing this. She was moving to be near a dear friend, possibly a former lover but that was the only reason. Was she able to move hundreds, maybe thousands of miles away from a job she loved and her family. This was a test to her values. She sped up along the high in fear of not making it to work on time. Going nearly 65mph Scully headed for the southern part of Maryland. She slowed down when she got into town. A quiet place near Washington, D.C. The Honda pulled into a newly paved driveway and pulled to a halt. Scully picked William up out of his seat and took him into the house. It was a nice home. It appeared to be a new home that was fully furnished and had plenty of baby toys. "Hello, Dana!" smiled Maggie Scully. "Hi, Mom," she muttered. "Well, today's your last day here and at work. Must be a little more exciting than your tone," Ma Scully replied. "I know, but I'm leaving everything only to gain one thing. I wonder sometimes if I chose to do the right thing," Scully sulked. "Well, they do have jobs wherever you're moving to. I may not be there, but there is such a thing as e-mail, you know?" Ma suggested. "I know, I've got to go," she replied coldly. "Dana, do whatever makes you happy. If you really don't want to go than don't, but if you do than take the initiative and go," Ma harped on. Driving to work she listened to her mother's words over and over again in her mind, "If you do than take the initiative and go." She switched onto the turnpike and sped to work. She got off and zoomed into the parking garage. She parked in the space nearest to the elevator and got out of her car. "Mornin' Agent Scully," Agent Doggett greeted. "Good morning, Agent Doggett" she smiled back. "How does it feel for this to be your last day at the FBI?" he questioned jokingly. "Definitely strange. It feels like a weird dream," she replied. "Yeah, well, at least now you can be home every day to see your baby," Doggett remarked. "Well, yeah, but this was such a large chunk of my life...." she wondered. The two agents went into the elevator and pushed the button to go down into the basement. The elevator would take them about ten feet from their office. The place where the "X-Files" were run out of was a small, cozy, office in the basement of the building. You could hardly see the door to the office. The outside of it was covered with boxes of FBI materials that may or may not be needed. Inside the office it was cold and small. The two desks that the agents had in there could hardly fit. On the wall behind the first desk was a poster that said "I WANT TO BELIEVE". Scully settled in by that desk. That one (the first desk) was her former partner's, Fox Mulder. He was the one who created the unit in the first place. The office still had his ghost in it in a sense. The pencils in the ceiling, the poster, the pictures, even the "X-Files" bared his name. She opened the top middle drawer and took out a pen. She started to do her paperwork and hoped to be out of there early today. She gazed on a picture that had been on his desk since she could remember. The picture of his eight-year-old sister, Samantha. "I'll have to take that too when I leave," she thought to herself. The entire day was a daze for her. Knowing that she would never be here again was to frightening to comprehend. The mere fact that she would be miles away in a desolate area creeped her out of her mind. Scully had always been a city girl who preferred people to be around, rather than not. Finally, at the end of the day she said her goodbyes.Everyone gathered in Skinner's office for the parting. She was never that great at this part and liked to get it over with fast. Everyone was there. Her boss, Walter Skinner, Doggett, Reyes, Follmer, Kersh, and other agents whom she had various degrees of contact with throughout the years. She disappeared out of the crowd quietly, hoping that no one would notice. To her dismay, she was wrong. "Why'd you leave?" questioned Doggett. "I figured that I might leave early to get to the airport," she lied. "Look I understand if you don't like goodbyes, but at least be respectful and stay for the party," he shouted angrily. "Goodbye Agent Doggett," she replied. With that she left without making a sound. Scully got into her car and left the FBI forever. She picked up William from her mother's home and they departed for their destination together. Dana cried the entire way beginning to wonder if she was at all in the right by doing this. By the time she got to the airport she wad stopped her crying and had gotten her act together. She got into the airport parking garage and left her car there, grabbed her luggage and her baby and went inside Dulles International Airport. She put her bags on the X-Ray machine to be scanned. Once she was cleared to get on the plane she got on. They got two seats in first class on the plane. William was put in a baby seat and strapped in nice and snug. Scully took out a copy of "Scientific American" and began to read. Finally, the plane took off. She settled into her chair and fell into a deep sleep. It was a smooth plane ride. Nothing was hijacked and nothing crashed. It landed in 3 hours in the northern part of teh United States. She woke up and got off the plane. In the airport she spotted the person who was supposed to pick her up, Fox Mulder. He hadn't changed a bit. Still the same skinny UFO nut in a gray t-shirt and jeans. She looked up at him and smiled brightly. Then, she knew she made the right choice. Being here with the father of her baby was so much more than being alone living outside of Washington, D.C. "Hey, you made it!" Mulder grinned. "Yeah, I did I guess," Scully smiled back. Suddenly Mulder came close and gave Scully a very passionate kiss. The hair on her back began to rise and she got goose bumps. She smiled at him. Looking into those hazel eyes she saw the same spark that she saw nine years ago. Somethings never change. After all of the meet and greets were over with Mulder drove Scully to his new house. When they got to the house she was in total awe. It was amazing--compared to what she had lived in for the past 11 years. She walked inside and sat down on the soft, pale blue, new sofa in utter disbelief. She scanned the room with her deep blue eyes beginning to wonder if it was all a grand dream. Scully looked across the room and beyond the glass doors to the dining room floor and saw the oriental rug. "How could you have afforded all this?" Scully questioned when Mulder walked in. "It's called savings. I lived in my apartment for nearly 15 years. I never took vacation time and I rarely bought new stuff." Mulder beamed. "This--this is amazing. A two story house, two car garage, fully furnished in less than a year," Scully said awe struck. "Come on, let's go see the upstairs," Mulder motioned. The upstairs was even more amazing. All of the bedrooms were done. It had three bedrooms and two bathrooms (one off of the master bedroom). Scully peered in to one of the doors. It was a baby's room for William. It had everything. The room might just as well have been the next "Toys 'R' Us". The white furniture went well with the baby blue walls and white trim. Next, she went into Mulder's room. Nothing fancy. It seemed to look like his room at his apartment only with a larger bed. Finally, she went into the last bedroom. It happened to also be white with a smaller bed and empty bureau. This was the guest room. The couple went downstairs into the kitchen to make dinner. Scully did the cooking because the extent of Mulder's culinary arts was tomato soup. Mulder, on the other hand, preferred to play with William. He was amazed by his every move. He felt like a failure due to his absence in the first year of his son's life. He had never seen anything so remarkable. Just his ability to stand was enough to knock Mulder off of his feet. He placed the baby in his high chair and they began to eat. "So... have you come here to stay for good. I mean, that was the impression," Mulder spoke up. "Yeah, I just need to wait for my luggage to get get here," Scully muttered. "Look, Scully, I'm so sorry that I wasn't here when William was born or for the first year of his life..." Mulder rambled. "I was the one who told you to go," smiled Scully, "and you were there when he was born. "Well, you know what I mean," he smirked. Three days later everything was settled in at there place. All of Scully's luggage had arrived safe and secure. When they began to unload it they began there trip down memory lane. She had even saved some things like a dog tag for her dog or the dime that was crossed with another dime. She knew then and there that she would never go back to the FBI or leave this wonderful place that was a genuine home. "You know Mulder when I first decided to come here I wondered if I was doing the right thing. Now I know that I made the right choice," Scully smiled. "I think that you made the right choice too," Mulder replied as he hugged her. Three Years Later "Hey, Dad, can we go outside and play some baseball?" William asked anxiously. "Sure, but go get a coat because it's a little nippy out," replied Mulder. It was a beautiful fall Saturday in the small town of Gorham. The leaves were just beginning to change color and everyone was beginning to get the feeling that autumn was here. Scully, a doctor, had the weekend off and had every intention of enjoying it. Their son, William, was three and was oddly powerful and smart for only being three. Scully never told Mulder about what had happened after the first few days that he left. She buried it deep inside and had no intentions of letting it out. After William grabbed his coat and baseball cap out of the closet he and Mulder went outside. The little boy ran over to his outdoor toy box in the garage and grabbed his baseball, bat, and glove out of the basket. He ran back to the front yard and took our his glove. He put the glove on his left hand and began to throw the ball. Mulder took his glove out and passed the ball back to him. Sitting lazily on the couch after a weary weeks work Scully pulled out a book to read. She began to read when the phone began to ring. She got up out of her cozy, little, rut and went into the kitchen to pick up the phone. She grabbed the cordless the antenna and turned it on quickly. "Hello," she said. "Hi, this is Agent Doggett. Is this Agent Scully?" wondered Doggett. "Yes, but I don't work for the FBI anymore," Scully replied. "Yeah, I forgot. Um... listen, thats not the reason why I'm calling. I think that you may want to come down here. It may be of some importance. It's about your son," Agent Doggett said. "My son is fine," she retorted. "Well, we have some new evidence that supports otherwise. It's not like Monica and I were looking for it. We just kinda stumbled onto it," Doggett muttered. "Hold on," Scully sighed. She went outside to get Mulder to bring him in. Since she had never said anything to him she felt nervous. She grabbed the phone and told Doggett that Mulder was here and that he should speak to him. Mulder picked up the phone confused. "Hello?" Mulder asked. "This is Agent Doggett. Listen, I'm callin' about William. Monica and I found some new evidence that is... Well, it's a lot of information to take in one day," Doggett said. "What is this information?" Mulder dug. "It suggests that William is not your son, but a super soldier or something," Doggett replied. "What? Are you saying that my son is a super soldier?" Mulder asked frantically. "Well, the evidence leans that way," Doggett answered. The next next day Mulder, Scully and William were on a plane back to Washington, a place where they didn't plan to go again. While she was on the plane waiting for it to take off Scully began to wonder if she should have told Mulder about William and how he spun the mobile above his crib. The entire flight she thought about that. Mulder began to get suspicious about how much she had kept from him. The conversation with Doggett the day before had been an ear full. He felt cheated. He felt that Scully should have told him and that he should have been there when it happened. Finally, the plane landed and they got off with their carry on luggage. "Hey, there they are!" shouted Agent Reyes. She was standing in the window pressing her face up against the glass looking for them. "Yeah, I see 'em" smiled Doggett. They got up from where they were and went outside to meet the former FBI agents. "Agent Scully?" shouted Doggett. He walked even closer to where she and Mulder were. "Hi! Wow, it's been awhile," Scully replied. "So... what's the plan? Are we going straight to the FBI from here?" asked Mulder. "Daddy, I gotta go," William whimpered. "Is that the baby you left D.C. with? Wow! He is a lot bigger!" Doggett said in amazement. "Yeah," smiled Scully. "Hey, I'm gonna take him to the bathroom. Scully, can you get us a rental car?" asked Mulder. "Sure," she replied. After William and Mulder got out of the bathroom they headed for the FBI. They left in two cars. Agents Reyes and Doggett in one and Scully, Mulder, and William in the other. Scully felt odd about coming back. On the day she left she almost swore never to get dragged back into the FBI or the "X-Files" ever again. She stared out the window and looked all around. Mulder was deathly curious too, but he had to drive the car. They followed Doggett and Reyes right into the parking garage and found a space near the elevator. To their dismay, it was broken so all five of them had to take the stairs. Mulder carried William up the entire way since he was tired from the flight and all. The group reached the fifth floor and opened the stairs' door. "Why are we on this floor?" questioned Scully. "Well, it's not us who you are going to hear this from. It's A.D. Skinner," replied Agent Doggett. They began to walk down the hallway. When they were walking Mulder began to get the same icy feeling that he had when he worked there. He bet that Scully felt it too. He could almost here people calling him "Spooky" Mulder. "Oh..." Scully mumbled. They turned the corner and entered Skinner's office. It really hadn't changed. It still had the couch by the door and he still had an assistant. Mulder plopped down on the couch with William. Scully and Reyes tried to fit in too. Agent Doggett just stood and paced back and forth. Finally, Skinner got out of the meeting that he was in and the group entered. "Sir, you remember Mulder and Scully right?" joked Doggett. "Yeah. Hey, um... how are you doing?" Skinner replied. "Well, until yesterday afternoon I was doing just fine," shrugged Mulder as he grazed Skinner and let himself into his office. "What? I don't think I understand?" Skinner said confused. "She never told Mulder about the, you know...." blurted out Doggett. "Well, I think that should be the least of both of your concerns," Reyes remarked. "What do you mean?" asked Scully. "Well, you may not have told Mulder about how the baby could move his mobile with his eyes, but I don't think that either of you could be ready for this," Reyes said. "What?" Scully questioned impatiently. "We found records that you had in vitro fertilization under the supervision of Doctor Parenti. Is that not correct?" piped up Doggett. "Yeah... your point is?" she pondered. "Well, it may not have been Mulder's sperm that they used," sighed Agent Doggett. "Who's then?" shouted Mulder. "We don't know, but we do know that the lab is here in D.C. We just haven't been able to find it," replied Reyes. "Okay then... Who would you guess," suggested Scully. "We found about five names on this record here, but two of 'em stand out like a light bulb," Doggett read from the paper. "Give me that," Mulder muttered. His hazel eyes got wide and his face turned a horrid white ghostly color. He slammed the paper down and left the office. Scully picked it up and began to read it. Her eyes got wide and she looked up in disbelief. "This can't be right, she whispered, "it says here that a CGB Spender and an A. Krycek gave donations too right around the same time." "It's right," Doggett nodded. "How in the hell do you know that? You're just making accusations and you don't have a speck of solid evidence," Scully said looking at her son. "Well, they keep records of who donated and when the sperm was used. Mulder's only on the first one. Unless someone made a serious typo than..." Doggett replied. "Yeah, well it could have been a typo," Scully said. "Right, it could have been a typo when they discover that we can live on Jupiter," Doggett scoffed. "You think this is funny?" Scully yelled. "No, it's just we need to consider it," Doggett said sympathetically. "Look you don't know the first thing about William, Mulder, or me so how can you stand there and make those accusations?" Scully questioned. "I just want to get to the bottom of this," Doggett muttered. "There is no bottom to get to," Scully replied softly. She got off the couch in Skinner's office, got William off the computer where he was playing a Donald Duck game and left the room. Sh walked over towards the elevator. She let her son press the button, then she remembered that it was broken. She took his hand and walked down five flights of stairs. The got to the bottom and turned the corner. Scully knocked on the door and went inside. Nothing had changed. Fox Mulder's office stayed nearly the same in the time they were gone. Mulder was found sitting in his chair throwing pencils up into the ceiling. "That's a load of crap and you know it, right?" asked an uncertain Mulder. "How can it be true if the pregnancy test that I took was negative back then? If mean I peed on the damn stick three times. How many times can the thing be negative and I be pregnant?" she wondered. Scully sat down in the cold, hard, wooden chair facing Mulder's former desk and looked around Mulder's old office. She saw her little boy playing with the basketball that he found in the closet. Then she looked back at Mulder's sorrowful face. "Could this be true?" she thought to herself. Then she heard footsteps on the stairs. "Hey, looks like the 'National Enquierer' has arrived," Mulder joked. "What the hell are you doing to my office?" Doggett shouted. He was glaring at Mulder waiting to see if he'd actually throw the pencil into the ceiling. "John, little people are watching us," Reyes reminded him. "First of all, this was my office before it was yours and second of all, I'm not doing anything that wasn't already here," Mulder pointed out. He aimed and fired another one into the ceiling. "You don't believe us, do you?" asked Doggett. "No. Why should we?" Scully retorted. "Look were gonna need your help on this Dana," pleaded Doggett. "I think that were going to leave. Tell us when you have some real evidence," Mulder said. Scully, Mulder and William left the room to go to their hotel in the city. When they left Agent Reyes sat down in the chair that Scully had been sitting in. "You know John, he's right. We just called these people yesterday claiming that we knew who William's father was, when in fact, we already know who he is, Mulder. Biological or not, he is the one who has been there from the beginning," Agent Reyes pointed out. "I don't disagree, Monica, but they need to know. This would explain the baby's ability to move his mobile with his eyes... it would explain everything," Doggett rambled. "You may be destroying something great," Reyes reminded him. Scully and Mulder drove to the hotel and checked in. Scully went to check them in and Mulder looked around. It was more of a motel per se, but a nice one at that. After she checked them in they went to their room. They tried to get the largest one possible because they woudl be sharing a room and they didn't feel safe having William be all alone. It was a large room. It had three beds and a bathroom with a large color TV. On the side of the room by the door was a nice pink couch. The room itself was painted light green with stenciled flowers at the top. William let go of his father's hand and ran over to jump on the bed. "Hey, hey, hey, get down from there, Beds are not made for jumping," Scully reminded him. "But Daddy told me I could," William defended. "When?" she asked. "When you were at work," Scully muttered. "Thank you Mulder for making this job so much easier," she said sarcastically. "My pleasure," Mulder replied with a grin. "Hey, Mom, when are we going home?" asked William. Scully looked at Mulder and then looked back at her son,"Well, maybe tomorrow if we don't get called back to the FBI." Just then Doggett called. The phone rang and William ran over to pick it up,"Hello?" "Hi, listen this is Agent John Doggett. Is your Mommy or Daddy there?" Doggett asked. "Uh-huh, hold on," replied William. Mulder picked up the phone and took it outside to talk to Doggett privately. He stood outside for no more than five minutes. Then he came back in with a distressed look on his face. He slammed the phone down and put on his jacket. "Where are you going?" asked Scully. "Out," mumbled Mulder as he walked out the door. "Where's he going?" wondered William. "I don't know," replied Scully. Part two Mulder walked out the door and got in the rental car and drove off. He seemed to be steaming about something. Right now he was going to meet Agent Doggett at the bar he used to go to, Casey's. He drove to the bar at record speed. He parked the silver sedan out front and ran in. He saw Doggett waiting for him with a file folder. "What was so urgent it couldn't wait?" asked Mulder. "This," said Doggett holding the folder up. "What is it?" questioned Mulder. "Well, it has the lists of OB-GYN's in the area. It also has the names of the various clinics where they practice out of. The file that I'm holding is from 2000-2001. Before Billy Miles came back," Doggett pointed out. "Yeah, your point?" replied Mulder. "Well, you remember Scully's OB-GYN through the last part of her pregnancy, right?" Doggett questioned. "Yeah, Dr. Speake," Mulder answered. "Well, take a look at this," Doggett said pushing the file closer to Mulder. "Parenti, Lev, and Speake all worked together." "What are you saying? Are you saying that They were all in this together to try and create this so called 'super soldier'?" Mulder implied. "Yes," nodded Doggett. "That's a load of shit and you know it!" yelled Mulder. "Is it?" retorted Agent Doggett. "Scully had a perfectly normal child. We she has even had him tested for abnormalities that are good, like heightened intelligence," Mulder hissed. "How would you know at this young age? He hasn't even started school yet," Doggett whispered. "You were obviously the world's worst parent. They've come out with tests that can determine that type of thing very young, ya know?" Mulder informed Doggett. "What if these doctors were trying to help create this super soldier?" suggested Doggett. "What are you saying?" Mulder said hesitating. "I'm saying that they could have changed him into a super soldier," Doggett specified. "That can't happen. You can't just sit on a microwave and change your DNA," Mulder whispered. "You, you of all people don't believe my theory?" Doggett said astounded. "Even I know that can't happen. You can't just change a person's genetic make-up. Another thing, how did Scully choose her doctors? I mean there wasn't a list discretely put on her desk by some individual? She chose the doctor. That would mean that all of the doctors in the tri-county area would be involved with this. How is that possible?" Mulder demanded. "I don't know," Doggett muttered. "That's right. You don't know," Mulder told him while he walked away. Mulder got into his car and drove away. He drove straight back to the hotel. It was about one o' clock in the morning so no one was up. Scully had even succumbed to sleep by that time. He carefully let himself into the room and got into the bed as if to make it look like he had never left. Mulder didn't drift off to sleep though. He lay bed thinking about what Agent Doggett told him and began to wonder if that was at all true. The next morning Scully woke up to find Mulder dead asleep next to her. She glared at him and wondered where on earth he was last night. She sat up in bed to find her three-year-old son fixing her computer. William had taken the computer apart and was just now beginning to put it back together. "William!" Scully yelled. He turned around to face her with surprise. "What?" he answered. "What is what are you doing to Mommy's computer and how did you get it open," Scully asked him puzzled, yet frightened at the same time. She shook Mulder so he'd wake up. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and looked around. "Scully, why are you letting him take apart your computer? Are you getting a new one while we're here?" Mulder questioned sarcastically. "I might have to now," Scully said still looking at her son. "William, what are you doing?" Mulder asked him. "Fixing Mommy's 'puter," he said gleefully. William looked at both his parents not knowing what he did wrong. "Scully, you wanna call Skinner, or should I?" Mulder thought out loud. "I will," she offered. She ran over to get her cell phone and called the first number on the speed dial. When she left the FBI she never got rid of Skinner's number just in case of an emergency. He waited impatiently as the phone rang in her ear. A tired Skinner woke up and answered his phone. "Hello...." Skinner answered. "Hi, sir, this is Scully. We have a -- a situation at the motel room. Could I meet you somewhere to talk?" she asked. "Sure," he said looking at his clock. "How about my office in one hour?" "That would be great," she mumbled. Scully got up out of the chair and got dressed. She grabbed a sweater and pants from her suitcase and slipped on a pair of clogs and bolted out the door. She stopped in her tracks and reached in her jacket pocket for the car key and then realized that she'd left everything else inside. Annoyed, she turned around, went back inside and got her jacket, keys, and phone. Scully headed out the door and got in the car and drove off towards his office. She made it to Skinner's office in about fifteen minutes. Since it was only about 7:30 in the morning almost no one was there but his secretary and agents that didn't know what a life was. She walked back and forth across the room constantly checking her watch "You want something to drink?" Skinner's secretary asked. "No... thank you," Scully replied coldly. "Agent Scully? You're early," Skinner said. "I knew that. I need to talk to you though," she answered anxiously. "About?" Skinner questioned. He wasn't really sure if he wanted to get himself in over his head in a case like this. "William," Scully sighed. "C'mon into my office," Skinner said sympathetically. He opened the door and let her in. "What is it?" he asked, leery to find out what the answer might be. "When I woke up today he was -- he was taking my computer apart and putting it back together. A three year isn't supposed to be able to do something like that!" She cried. Meanwhile, back at the motel Mulder decided that something needed to be done. He looked at his son remorsefully thinking about what Agent Doggett had said about William not being his son. He sat down on the bed thinking about it. He looked deeply into his son's innocent eyes. Mulder felt as if he needed proof to feel secure again that William was, in fact, his son. He got up off the bed and went into the bathroom, took a shower, and got dressed. He put on his suit and dressed William and they went out the door. Mulder dialed his phone and called someone. When he made the phone call he put some papers in his pocket. "Hello," said a groggy voice on the other end. "Agent Doggett?" Mulder asked making sure that he was awake. "'Thought you had enough of this 'bull shit' and was headed back to your own home," Doggett answered. "Change of plans. Listen, Scully has the car. Can you swing by the motel and pick William and me up?" Mulder questioned. "What's this about, Mulder?" Doggett asked leerily. "Tell you when you get here, you know where we're staying, right?" Mulder said. "Yeah, I do," Doggett replied. "I'll be there in about a half an hour." Mulder hung up his phone and sat down in a chair. He put his cell phone in his pocket and put his coat on. He got William's coat and put it on him and waited for Agent Doggett. Doggett pulled up minutes later. Mulder picked William up, went out to the car, put him in, and got in himself. "What's this about, Agent Mulder?" Doggett prodded. "Let's go to Quantico," Mulder directed. "Why? I'm not movin' this car until you tell me what's going on," Doggett said putting his foot down. "All right. The reason I want to go to Quantico is so that I can have a DNA test done on William and I want to compare it to mine and to the other men who donated sperm at the fertility clinic who you mentioned," Mulder let out. "Monica said something that made me think about what you want to do right now," Doggett reminisced. "What?" Mulder asked. "She said...'You may be destroying something great'. Earlier in the conversation she mentioned that a father is someone who is always there for the child, usually from the beginning. You, are a father. My father was just Tony Doggett, the guy who liked to pretend that he had a life with his kids, if you could even call us that. My sister, Karen, would always say that if Mom and Dad got divorced we wouldn't even know the difference until she got married again. And we didn't know the difference until she got married again. Look, the point is that if the results come back in some form that you don't like you wont love this child the same. You'll feel different. As much as you deny that, you will," Doggett rambled. "I appreciate your concern, Agent Doggett, but I need to do this," Mulder answered. Mulder and Doggett drove off towards Quantico, the FBI training academy. Mulder looked in the back seat and saw William playing with the string on his coat. He thought about if he was doing the right thing, getting their DNA tested, but he knew that would be the only way he would ever be settled again. When they arrived Mulder headed straight for the back door, the one by the lab entrance. He opened it and went inside. He maneuvered his way over to a small room that was off to the side to do the test. Doggett came in and got the materials. Meanwhile, back in Skinner's office Scully was having a very candid discussion about her son. She sat in the chair that she usually sat in whenever she went to a meeting in his office. Scully gazed out the window thinking about the possibilities, unaware of what Mulder was doing at that very moment. Skinner looked at her with sorrow in his eyes. You could see right through his look. Through eyes he was saying that he felt sorry for Mulder and Scully because of the strong possibility about their son. "What are you going to do about it?" Skinner asked. "What can I do? He's three," Scully said, eyes still glued on the window. Mulder stuck the q-tip in William's mouth and swabbed it for check cells. He then took it and stuck it in a case and put it in a bag to go to a lab. Then he reached into his pocket and grabbed the DNA charts from CGB Spender and Krycek "Where you goin' Agent Mulder?" Doggett asked anxiously. "Well, I need fast results so I'm going to bring this up to the lab and have a friend of mine do it," he replied. Doggett and Mulder walked out of the room with the toddler and began the long trek to the top floor were this test was done. He had the bag in his hand and William in the other. They went down the hall and got into the elevator and went up to the 9th floor. Everyone got off and went into this large room with this one person working in it, Danny Brown. Danny was a short man. A friend of Mulder's. He had deep brown eyes and brown hair. He had a degree in chemistry. Mulder and him had gone to college together in England. "Oh, my God! Fox Mulder?" Danny yelled. "Hey Danny!" Mulder grinned. "God, I thought that you moved and who's the little guy. Did you come back?" he asked eagerly. "Well, this is William and no, I'm not moving back. Hey, I have a favor to ask you. Can you run this DNA sample against these two and mine and I need them by 7:00 P.M. tonight. Can you do it?" Mulder demanded. "Sure, but why? And who's is it?" Danny asked. "Not your business. At least not this time, and thanks for doing this. Can you bring them to the Sleep E-Z motel in Washington D.C. it's in Georgetown?" Mulder questioned. "Yeah, I can," Danny replied. Mulder and Doggett took William back to the motel. Mulder hoped that Scully wasn't back yet so she wouldn't have a clue. He had decided that if the results were in fact not what he hoped he'd never tell her in hope to insure that they had a future together -- and a peaceful one. Scully decided to go out of the FBI. She missed working there. She admitted to herself quietly that she and Mulder had had fun while they worked there. She decided to go down to the basement office for the last time. She saw almost the same things that she saw on her first day of work on the X-Files twelve years ago. Other than that other people were working in there it still had Mulder's presence and her own. Scully dug around Mulder's old desk looking for the key that opened the door to his porn collection. "I bet Doggett doesn't even know that this exists," she muttered to herself as she opened the drawer. Scully looked at her watch and decided that she had better leave. She went out to the parking garage and got into her rental car and drove off. While driving she thought about doing a DNA test, she knew in he heart that if she did that test that nothing would be the same again. She arrived at the motel later that day at around 6:30 P.M. Scully had just been driving around all day to different areas that she and Mulder had gone to in the past. Mulder was inside the motel watching William sleep. He was totally unaffected by the whole experience. "Hi, where have you been?" Mulder questioned to make it look like he'd been worried. "I took a drive. Agent Doggett called me and said that you asked him to give you a lift, but he wouldn't say where to. Where did you go?" Scully asked. "We went to the park and McDonalds!" shouted William as he woke up. "Yeah... we did," Mulder smiled, backing up his son. No sooner did she come into the motel room than did Danny arrive with the results. He pulled up front and beeped his horn about three times. Mulder looked out the window, sliped out the door, and went to meet Danny in the parking lot. "Hey, I got them done before you wanted them, that's okay, right?" Danny wondered. "Yeah, yeah. Give them to me," Mulder said. He read them out in the parking lot. Mulder took William's out of the folder and read it. Then he took out CGB Spender's and compared the two. "Hey, Danny, how many chromosomes have to match to make you the father/mother of something or someone?" Mulder asked. "At least thirteen. If it's less than you are either the aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparent or grand coincidence," Danny replied. "Yeah, maybe I'm reading this wrong, but William's only matches 9 out of 46," Mulder pointed out. "Yeah, what about this one," Danny said nodding to Krycek's. "Let's take a look," Mulder suggested. He held it up and compared it to William's. No match. None of the chromosomes matched. Then he took out his. He compared it to the baby's. It was a perfect match. "Hey, Danny, take a look at this!" he grinned. "What?" he asked puzzled. "Who's is that?" "That's mine and this is William's," Mulder said, still smiling. Then he thought of something. What if CGB Spender, the cancer man, was related to Mulder? What if his mother had had an affair with him? Could he be the product of their union? He hoped not. His hand shaking, he held his up to cancer man's and compared the two. They matched. CGB Spender was, in fact, Mulder's father. Danny got in his car and left and Mulder walked back up to the motel room. He sat down on the toilet in the bathroom, and called Agent Doggett. "Hello?" Doggett answered. "It's Mulder," Mulder replied. "Hey, did you get the results back yet?" Doggett asked urgently. "Yeah, and all I have to tell you is that not all things appear as they seem," Mulder said angrily. "I don't get it," he replied. "What I'm trying to say is that this test could have ripped myself and Scully apart. It was a false alarm. Next time, get all the facts before you do this," Mulder yelled. "So they both weren't matches?" Doggett questioned. "I don't know. I'm a match to someone you've never met, but Scully and I have had a number of encounters with him." "Who?" "CGB Spender, A.K.A. Cancerman," Mulder told him. "He's my father. I believed that my mother had an affair with him. She never told me so, but I always had that feeling. I guess that it was true. Anyway, I need to go, bye." Mulder walked out of the bathroom with his head in his hands. At flopped down onto the bed. He threw the results out in the trash and just lay there thinking about his own mishap. He felt as if a weight had been taken off of him. He felt shaken that his own mother could have had an affair with this man, but he also felt relieved about knowing about William. He vowed to himself never to tell Scully. "Hey, I got us a plane ride back home in an hour in a half, want to go?" Scully asked. "Yeah, let me pack. You know, this whole trip was a waist of time," Mulder told her. "I know. I just says let bygones be bygones. Sometimes it's better not to know something," Scully mentioned. "Yeah, you're right, come on, let's pack," Mulder suggested. The End Author's Note: When I began this story it was back in early November. The stuff in here like Will having heightened abilities (i.e. Provenance) hadn't even aired on television yet. I would just like to make that abundantly clear.